Day Hiking Essentials
So what are day hiking essentials and why do you need them on a day hike? This just seems like a loaded question. It’s a day hike… you don’t really need to bring anything.. or just bring whatever you want! WRONG. You can find yourself in a pretty uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous situation when you are not prepared. It’s so important to bring some staple day hiking essentials every time you head out on a hike just in case your hike doesn’t go as planned. And let’s be honest, when does any plan EVER go as planned?
Whether you are an experienced hiker, or are just getting started, there are certain items that are necessary to bring on every hike and they are called the “Ten Essentials” Let’s begin.
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Daypack (day backpack)
Well, where are you going to put these 10 day hiking essentials? In a daypack of course! Your daypack will be your best friend. There is an infinite number of options out there in all different sizes/colors/prices. So how the heck do you choose one?
First, it is important to decide on a size. Hiking packs are usually sized in Liters. When I bought my first pack, I had no clue how to quantify liters visually. My best advice would be to go to your local REI store and just try them on! Think about the day hikes you plan on taking and what all you will likely be carrying (we will go over all of this down below). A pretty standard size day pack ranges from 20-34L.
In my opinion, 22-30L is the happy medium that you need for a daypack! Both Gregory and Osprey make great daypack options that vary in sizing.
Navigation/Satellite GPS
It is so important to carry some sort of navigational tool with you, for the unlikely chance that you get off trail and get lost. I’m sure you are thinking “this would never happen to me”, but that’s what everyone thinks until it does, in fact, happen to them.
A paper map and compass is always your most reliable option, but not super user friendly. I personally use and would recommend the app AllTrails. In the app, you can download any trail map to use offline. Another thing that I would recommend is a satellite communication device. This is a handheld device that allows you to send out an SOS to search and rescue. It might seem like overkill, but if you are hiking alone and break your ankle 5 miles into your hike, you will be glad that you have it.
We have and recommend the Garmin Inreach Satellite SOS device!
It might seem obvious here, but water is one of the most important day hiking essentials! It’s important to stay hydrated while hiking, which is usually achieved by drinking half a liter of water per hour of hiking. I recommend using a water reservoir system aka “water bladder”. They are lightweight and have a hose that comes out beside your arm strap for easy access while hiking. These are two of the best brands that we use- the Osprey Hydraulics or the Platypus Big Zip Evo.
This is the one item that no one has to remind me to bring! I love getting creative with my trail snacks and mixing it up for each hike. BUT, the main point that I want to stress here, is to bring ENOUGH food. Unfortunately, I have had numerous times where I have under-judged how much food I would need for a hike and have been pretty miserable. Always bring enough snacks to get you through double the amount of time you are anticipating for your hike to take. A couple of snacks we always have in our bag are Clif bars and Stroopwafels!!
Sun Protection
Forget sunscreen one time.. and you’ll never do it again! Need I say more? Sun protection is one of the most commonly forgotten day hiking essentials, but it is equally as important as the others. Along with sunscreen, you should also carry sunglasses and/or a sun hat. The sun can do some gnarly damage to your skin and eyeballs, so let’s protect them.
Fire can save your life. It is so simple and easy to carry a box of matches or a lighter and most people just don’t do it. Don’t be those people. If you become stranded, fire might be your last hope. Make sure to grab some fire starter as well, to make things easier for you.
First Aid
I was notorious for leaving this one out of my pack until one day I went on a hike and developed the WORST blister on my heel. Every step I took I felt like crying. I would have done anything for a foam pad/gauze/ANYTHING from that first aid kit that sat in my closet. Now, I carry a small first aid kit and would recommend you do the same 😉
I do not go on any hike without my headlamp. Even though it is deemed one of the “day hiking essentials” this is actually an item you carry in anticipation for night hiking! There have been too many situations where the trail took much longer than anticipated, and here I am hiking back in pitch black darkness by myself. This is the definition of not worth it. Just bring the headlamp. You can buy a cheap one on amazon that will do the trick. Pack it, and move on. The times that you actually need it, you will be so glad that you have it. Ps. Extra batteries is never a bad idea.
Rain Gear
How often has the weather channel said 0% chance of rain and then it rains? Multiply that by about 50 and that’s how often that happens in the mountains. Always anticipate rain. The weather in the mountains can change rapidly, and without warning. A rain/wind layer will keep you protected from the elements. Gore-tex is the gold standard for rain protection. It is quite expensive, but worth it.
Pocket Knife
Handy, dandy, muti-use and compact. One of the day hiking essentials that proves to be helpful in numerous scenarios!
Okay so most of the items listed above are for worst-case, emergency type situations. It is important to remember, that you never know what might happen while out hiking. Whether it be injury, animal attack, altitude sickness, medical emergency, weather, or getting lost, it is better to be over prepared than to be under prepared. We bring these items with the hope that we will never have to use them.
5 Bonus Items to Make Your Day Hike More Enjoyable
Now that you’ve got your day hiking essentials all packed up and ready, let’s go over some other things you might consider taking with you on your hike.
Honestly, this might be an essential for me! There is no greater pain than a pair of chapped, wind burned lips. That tiny tube is a life saver and goes with me everywhere, not just on the trails.
Baby Wipes/WagBag
Mhmmm. You already know why we’re bringing these. You’ve geared up for the day by eating a big breakfast, and moments after you start your hike… you feel it happening. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. We have two options here. You can bring a shovel, dig a hole 6-8 in deep and then bury your business (while still packing out your wipes in a bag) OR you can go with plan b (my personal favorite) and carry a wag bag with you.
A wag (waste alleviation and gelling bag) is a durable bag system that is puncture proof and hygienic. You can put your baby wipes directly in the bag when finished, seal it up and dispose of it in a trash can at the end of your hike. Simple, clean and the Earth is happy. We pick up dog poop, so why not ours?
Trekking Poles
Although not necessary, trekking poles can make a hike a lot more enjoyable! Trekking poles are adjustable poles that aid in going up and down hill! They can be helpful for all different skill levels by alleviating some of the pressure that hiking puts on your hips and knees.
Bear Spray
Depending on where you’re hiking, this might not be an issue. But, if you’re hiking near an area with active bear populations, then bear spray is a good thing to have. Check out what to do if you encounter a bear on the trail.
Bug Spray
Bugs can turn any hike into a living nightmare. The end. Always carry bug spray.
Sometimes, we could all use a refresher on the importance of having a few essential safety items with us when we hike. Hopefully you can take some of these tips and implement them into your routine when preparing for a hike.
Hope to see you out there, Happy Hiking!