Adventure | VanLife

Consulting Services

Is there one nagging problem that’s holding you back from building the van of your dreams? If so reach out and let our experts help you get over the hump! We offer consulting for: Planning, Design, Electrical, Plumbing and Woodworking! The first call is free and you only pay for the Work Plan that walks you step by step through your problem!

How it Works

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Fill out this form.

We’ll contact you to set up a free video consultation. During this step we’ll review your form together to understand the exact nature of your problem.

Our team will create a work plan that walks you step by step through your unique situation. Work plans start at $75 and increase in price based on the complexity of the project. 

Follow up. If you have any questions relating to your work plan you can reach out for no additional cost. 

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